

Zemgales Vidusskola

Zemgales vidusskola has 158 years long history. School is located in rural area, but is very good communicated. School is very active and takes part in different actions and projects in order to raise quality of their student social and learning life.
School has 5 learning programs, including three different programs for children with special needs – learning difficulties as well as mental or physical disabilities. These children are integrated in mainstream classes - they are working in close cooperation with other classmates that is significant step in their development. In 2011/2012 study year 43 students with special needs are studding in school – 5 of them with physical dissabilaties.
School has a high standard and sense in the up-keeping of traditional values, ethics, morals and heritage. The region our pupils come from has much to offer and it is of highest importance to convey certain heritage values to our students in this day and age of modernization.