13th Primary School Chalandri Athens
Our school is a primary school located in Chalandri a suburb in northern Athens with a population of 80.000 citizens. The number of students who attend our school is 130 aged from 6 up to 12 years old as well as 15 teachers including the Head Master. Lessons start at eight o’clock in the morning and finish at four in the afternoon. Pupils study Greek language, Mathematics, Greek history and mythology, Physics, Geography, Social Education and Gymnastics. They also attend special programmes in Art Education such as music, theatre, painting and dancing. There is a low range of different minority and ethnic groups who all speak Greek and a few speak English as a second language. The pupils come from varied family backgrounds with an average economic status. There are also few children with learning disabilities and educational needs. Children are taught English from the 3rd grade of primary school and French from the 5th. Teachers are extremely interested in their students’ academic progress as well as emotional growth. Our school is an active member of an Ecological Network of schools. In addition, this year we are working on a new project about traditional games in nature.
Our goal is children to get to know Greek games from the ancient time up to now as well as games from all over the world. Also to come closer to nature through traditional games, and to develop their social and emotional growth. Finally, we will present traditional games by means of music and traditional dancing. By means of this project,we will have the chance to cooperate with other European countries about the forgotten traditional games including sports,dances and parades.